My short story GODSKIN is now live at Strange Horizons. It’s set in the DRIFT universe, which is a book I have started years ago and might one day finish. 😛 Until then, you have GODSKIN, and later this year, SEAGIFTS.

Go read Godskin online at Strange Horizons!

“Dead gods,” says Aunte Gull as she heaves the shimmering nets, “are almost as useless as live ones.”

We work together, numb to the sea cold. We haul our catch back to shore, and I save my breath for work, knowing my aunte’s way of speaking. She is weighing up what to say and none of it will be the kind of thing I should repeat. There is a reason no one has taken Gull as a wife, even as a second or third. She is too much herself, and learned too late to keep her tongue still.